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Сајт посвећен прикупљању информација о апликацијама, алатима, додацима и уопште ресурсима који омогућавају или олакшавају коришћење српске ћирилице у информационим технологијама. До нас можете доћи и преко ћирилично. Фејсбук група посвећена очувању ћирилице. Користан чланак о коришћењу свих слова абецеде у електронској комуникацији.
Čitave dve godine posle objavljivanja stabilne verzije 0. 0, morao sam da objavim verziju 0. 1 koja otklanja grešku pri upotrebi OOoTranslita u LibreOffice. Koja se ogleda u tome da preslovljavanje iz latinice u ćirilicu u.
Forgot Password or Username? Deviant for 9 Years. Deviant since Aug 1, 2006. This is the place where you can personalize your profile! By moving, adding and personalizing widgets.
News and prayer request from the Sirmons in France. Dear Friends and Supporters,. So, on Monday, Judy, Nathanael and I drove the 600 miles down to Toulouse to be with them. One of those present was the unsaved mid-wife who delivered Lucien. She well remembered his birth as they almost lost him then.
Thursday, November 18, 2010. The holiday season is approaching earlier and earlier every year. The zombie shoppers enter the stores, mouths foaming, white knuckled hands clutching coupons, and a hankering for retail employee blood forcing them on their stubby little limbs. Working in retail is like being trapped in a zombie film. If only I were allowed to run around with a cricket bat a la Shaun of the Dead.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015.